Relationship Coaching
What is relationship coaching?
Relationship coaching can help establish better relationships in your personal life, at work, or at home.
It can also help build a healthy self-identity and relationship with ourselves, our deep-rooted thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. A large part of relationship coaching is to help clients develop a better relationship with themselves and to help them build their self-esteem and/or explore their identity.
Can I attempt relationship coaching by myself?
Yes, a common misconception is that in relationship coaching all parties involved need to be present to be coached. This is not true. Although in some cases, the coach might seek to gather more information or suggest for multiple parties to come in, a person can seek relationship coaching by himself or herself. This can help clients learn to communicate and connect better in various relationships in their life.
What are some benefits of relationship coaching?
Relationship coaching can help...
Maintain healthy relationships at work and home
Learn to communicate assertively
Develop conflict resolution skills
Establish a new relationship with clear boundaries
Eliminate tensions during a sentimental or work break
Help navigate the dynamics of a divorce and/or co-parenting